The Problem
As the home of several football and cricket teams, the Ross Sports centre is a key community asset and fundamental to locality as well as serving as a recreation venue for boys, girls and adults of all ages.
Situated on low lying land, the playing fields and Club House are within the immediate flood plain to the River Wye such that when the river rises and bursts its banks the playing fields and Club House are inundated with flood water. The situation is exacerbated by the number of cavities and passages that run under the buildings allowing many pathways for water to access the building.
A the building is only partially occupied the flood mitigation had to be passive and needed to be active at all times when the buildings were locked. M3 proposed a combination of Defender steel flood doors and Defender UPVC door screens that self seal against flooding as soon as they are closed together with Non Return valves in the drainage network.
Financing on the project was grant funded through the PFR Grant Scheme, National Lottery sports England and the local council.
Works were completed in April 2021.